Training according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 22000:2018
Part 1: Introduction in management systems and types of food safety management systems
Part 2: Terms and definitions
Part 3: Prerequisite programs – Good production and hygiene practices
Part 4: HACCP Principles:
- Principle 1: Identification (definition) of critical control points
- Principle 2: Establishment of critical border(s)
- Principle 3: Establishing a surveillance (monitoring) of CCP
- Principle 4: Establishing corrective actions
- Principle 5: Introduction of a check procedure (verification)
- Principle 6: Documentation of HACCP system and records
Part 5: Essence and requirements of Food Safety Management System according to ISO 22000:2018. Review of the requirements and application in the organization.
- Food safety management system. General requirements. Requirements for documentation. Management of documents and records
- Management responsibility. Policy and purposes of food safety
- Exchange of information – internal and external
- Preparedness for emergencies
- Management review
- Resource management. Human resources. Infrastructure. Working environment
- Planning and creation of safe products. Preliminary steps, necessary for hazard analysis
- Development of a HACCP plan. Content of the plan
- Traceability system
- Non-conformity management. Corrections. Corrective actions. Management of potentially dangerous products
- Confirmation, check and improvement of FSMS – planning, performance and record of internal audits of FSMS.